Our History...

Brother José Aramayo, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Bolivia (1993-2002) shared the same concerns as the founder of the Order, seeking spiritual perfection and strengthening fraternal ties among all members of the Masonic family.  Thus, he made contact with the people who would make it possible to achieve this goal. 

In the middle of May 1998, at the Grand Lodge of New York headquarters, the Third Congress of Grand Masters of the World was held, an event attended by our illustrious brother, accompanied by other Masons representing the Grand Lodge from Bolivia. Taking advantage of one of the intermediaries, they requested a meeting with OES authorities, which was held at the headquarters of the General Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star located on the sixth floor of the Building of the Grand Lodge of Masons in New York.  They met with then OES authorities, Sister Florence Adair, Most Worthy Grand Matron, Brother Lennart A. Johnson,  Most Worthy Grand Patron, Sister Liliana Muñiz, MWGM Deputy, and Brother Fernando Muñiz, MWGP Deputy.  Bro. José Aramayo informed them of the great interest wives and relatives of Masons in Bolivia had and their request to be part of this initiatory organization, which guides and teaches those who seek and crave spiritual perfection. 

Such a request was welcomed by the M.W.G.M. and immediately she delegated Bro. Fernando Muñiz to send instructions as to the procedures to be followed, in accordance with the Constitution and Regulations of the General Grand Chapter. The work from then on was arduous, but Bro. Fernando did not falter at any time; he gathered all those who would participate in this great project, and after months of being on constant trips and meetings, finally on December 12, 1998, at the Grand Temple of the Grand Lodge of Bolivia, six Chapters were instituted in Bolivia under the direction of General Grand Chapter Officers. 

During the next six years, the Order of the Eastern Star in Bolivia had grown in membership and Chapters. On July 11, 2044, the Grand Chapter of Bolivia of the Order of the Eastern Star was legally constituted in the halls of the Hotel Portales, city of Cochabamba, during the Second Friendship Convention in an Assembly convened by Brother Loyal Stark, M.W.G.P., and in the presence of Sister Patricia Rasmusson, M.W.G.M. of the General Grand Chapter, constituting members and legal representatives of twelve Chapters:  

Minerva N° 1                                    Venus N° 7

Aurora N° 2                                      Ceres N° 8

Luz N° 3                                             Diana N° 9

Despertar N° 4                                   Amancaya N° 10

Amanecer N° 5                                   Isis N° 11

Athenea N° 6                                      Gaia N° 12

On the same day, the Constitution of the Grand Chapter of Bolivia was approved by the Constituent Chapters.

M.V.G.P. Loyal Stark 

M.V.G.M. Patricia Rasmusson

The Grand Chapter of Bolivia has been strengthened thanks to the work and delivery of those who, in turn, took the reins to drive it. As members of the Order, we appreciate the work done, and we commit ourselves to continue the path set for the good of all.